A new chair for Owen West

A new chair for Owen West

Team player Owen West got to show off his new chair at the first outdoor demostration Canterbury Hellfire held at Canterbury Rugby club in the build up to the first game of the new season. Hellfire were joined by players from Brighton Buccaneers and Crawley Jets and...
WR is only an indoor sport?

WR is only an indoor sport?

We are told that ‘Wheelchair rugby is an indoor sport’? But, why is that? Safety is probably a consideration but the founding Mothers and Fathers of Wheelchair Rugby originally called it Murderball, so, there had to be an element of danger in it’s...
Jazz apples make a recipe for Hellfire

Jazz apples make a recipe for Hellfire

Jazz apples have been a supporter of Hellfire for a while. We have had a great partnership over the years and their generous donations have helped to keep our wheels rolling. Together we’re thrilled to launch their latest recipe book featuring eight delicious...
Outdoor training is a hit with players

Outdoor training is a hit with players

Thanks to the hard work completed behind the scenes by Canterbury Rugby Club, Hellfire have a permanent outdoor training area and can truely call themselves part of the Canterbury Rugby #OneClub.       Club Chairman, Ian Lloyd, has said...