It has long been said that Canterbury Hellfire are “ a team that punches above it’s weight”, After a rapid rise through the leagues Hellfire now sit at the top table of Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby and still the term “punching above its weight” is a label is heard from the elite clubs. But not any longer as GBWR have finally recognized what we already know, that to play any game at the top level you need great coaches. Canterbury are blessed with 3 with Head Coach Omar Foster joining the group of coaches from the GB elite, talent squad and coaches with a lot of experienced behind them on a new Coaching Academy programme.
Lee Parry GBWR coaching officer said “The aim for the GBWR Coaching Academy is to target advanced coaches in the game, with content that would look to challenge and enhance all on the programme. We want to initially invite a select number of coaches across the country to be part of this during 2020, to actively feedback whilst on course so that the content can be modified to create a real worthwhile programme for 2021.
As part of the GBWR Coaching Academy 2020, the coaches would have the opportunity to be part of a unique experience and have a personalised programme which would aim to challenge them as a coach and look at ways to enhance their delivery to others in the game.”
Canterbury Rugby Club and Canterbury Hellfire would like to congratulate Omar on this well-deserved recognition.